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Art Call for students

In collaboration with Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

This year, the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board has partnered with Sikh Heritage Month Hamilton in a city wide “Art & Language Call.” After collaborating with SHM Hamilton for 3 years, we are so proud to have finally partnered with our local school board.

This year, students will be submitting either an art or language piece about the Sikh community or Sikh heritage based on the theme of Oneness. Sikhs believe that there is one divine energy that binds us all, and therefore we are all equal. It extends to living creatures and the environment too. Thus, we should treat everyone and everything with love and compassion.


The submission deadline is March 22, 2019. A selection of submitted work will be chosen to be displayed publicly during Sikh Heritage Month celebrations in April. We are very proud of the effort put into these projects by local students. They take the time to learn about our heritage and faith, and choose to share that knowledge with the rest of the Hamilton community.


We invite everyone to come and see our student submissions at our City Hall event in April. 

More details on this event will follow. 

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